Sunday, July 27, 2008

Piggies and more...

Our farm is improving every day and our garden is just bursting with food. Unfortunately we've been away for nearly two weeks so we are hearing this from our dear friends and family who have volunteered to take on the task of caring for our place while we've been gone.

In May we bought, along with our dear neighbors and friends, three pigs. They don't live on our property right now - they are at our neighbors'. They had a great shelter which we improved by pouring a concrete floor as well as ample space for movable pig yards so that they could always have clean space to dig. They are thriving and we are getting ready to think about the fall slaughter.

Our lambs are also growing well. This spring we purchased some solar-electric fencing - this has been wonderful to use with the sheep. They are able to be moved every day or every-other-day to a new location in order to provide them with fresh pasture. This has helped them grow beautifully and healthily. Fresh grass often and no time for parasites to complete their cycle.

I have much to catch up on after not having blogged for so long that it will take several posts in order to catch up. More posts will be squeezed in between farm tasks. Happy gardening!

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